Arannya Environment Research Organisation's first public event Wild Dialogues: Conservation through Conversation was held on the occasion of World Environment Day 05 June 2018. The event saw five of Goa's most well known wildlife researchers and managers come on a common platform and interact with a 200 strong crowd mostly of youngsters. For an organisation that has just begun, this was an overwhelming response and also showed the interest an enthusiasm that this generation has for doing their bit towards wildlife and conservation.
The event featured keynote address by Dr. Manoj-Sumati R Borkar, Associate Professor of Zoology & Environmental Studies at Carmel College for Women, Nuvem, who spoke on a topic titled "My Journey as a Wildlife Biologist".
Parag Rangnekar, Program Manager at Mineral Foundation of Goa, spoke on a very sassy titled topic "Enter the Dragon", explaining his journey with Odonates (Dragonflies and Damselflies) of Goa.
Pronoy Baidya, Senior Research Fellow and Graduate Student at Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, spoke on the topic titled "Life of an Ecologist through the Eyes of an Ant" in a rather cinematic fashion taking us on a journey of unravelling the marvels of Goa's ants.
Paresh Porob, Range Forest Officer of Bhagwan Mahaveer Wildlife Sanctuary and National Park, Goa Forest Department, spoke on the topic titled "Wildlife Conservation through Awareness and Policing"with a lot of examples and anecdotes derived from his illustrious career.
Abhishek Jamalabad, Marine Biologist at WWF India's marine program in Goa spoke on the topic titled "From the Deep End to the Intertidal"explaining his tryst with the oceans of India.
The guest of honour for the event, Dr. Vaibhav Chindarkar, Associate Professor and Head of Department- Zoology, Government College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Sanquelim inaugurated AERO's website and addressed the gathering with many words of support and caution at the same time for us, while encouraging youngsters in the audience to take up basic sciences and champion the cause of finding solutions to the various problems that plagues the human society today.
AERO also felicitated Shri. Raghudas Tari, Shri. Rajendra Kelkar, Shri Namdev Gaonkar, Shri. Paresh Gosavii and Shri. Omkar Dharwadkar for their contribution towards wildlife conservation in Goa.
