Goa Bird Atlas 2023-24 Surveys are Completed.
Goa Bird Atlas Will be Released in
June 2025!
Goa bird atlas is an ambitious citizen science driven initiative to map the distribution and abundance of birds of Goa. The Goa Bird Atlas has been completed in a SINGLE year effort, and has given fine resolution insights to distribution and abundance of the common birds which was previously poorly known.
Support the Atlas
Though the Goa Bird Atlas surveys are complete, our team still requires support for printing, publication and dissimination of information far and wide! For this, we seek support of like-minded individuals or groups, corporates who's CSR mandates align with environment education and conservation.
As an individual or organisation, if you are willing to support the atlas program through sponsorships or logistical support, please get in touch the Goa Bird Atlas Coordinator at contact@arannya.in
Atlas Effort
Area of Goa - 3,702 sq.km
Area covered for Goa Bird Atlas - 370 sq.km
Number of Seasons - 2
Number of Repeats - 4
Survey Effort - 700 hours
Total Transect Distance - ~1400 km
Number of Volunteers - 75​​​
Vaibhavi Naik, Paarth Wagh, Bhaskar Rao, Shubham Rane, Sagar Naik, Neeha Borker, Shivani Desai, Pragati Desai, Mahima Naik, Sona Gaonkar, Tejasvini Gawas, Poornima M, Jagannath Phadte, Shalma Mascarenhas, Datta Naik, Pooja Subhash, Mukta Naik, Pavan Parkar, Anush Naik, Fondu Rane, Sejal Vaigankar, Karishma Naik, Prajakta Halarnkar, Chowgule College- Birders Club, Anthea Baracho, Om Kurpaskar, GPCOE Harmal, Prabhat Hatti, Kunal Bandolkar, Harshada Gauns, Gautam Jalmi, Sumi Deogam, Siddhali Mahale, Kameshwari Raikar, Amit Raj, Anjana Dhar, Ceejel Pinto, Raj Malik, Mannat Seth, Tejas Gaonkar, Kiran Hangaragi, Mandar Bhagat, Pronoy Baidya, Filomena Pereira, Tejas Sudhir, Muddasir Shaik, Ankita Chari, Omkar Dharwadkar, Dipak Bowalkar, Marvelyn Dias, Senan D’Souza, Mabel Menezes, Mayur Gawas, Shayeesh Pirankar, Jalmesh Karapurkar, Manjeet Gawas, Aradhana Rangachar, Kuldip Topo, Anthea Baracho, Elita Siqueira, Linoshka Dias, Anushka Naik, Admar Carvalho, Vishal Naik, Frenjuela Fernandes, Siddhant Roy, Janelli Antao, Siddhant Nair, Samaa Manoj Sapre, Britney Winnifred Fernandes, Shreya Prashant Borkar, Blavia Mercy Correia, Savni Rajesh Mayenkar, Earlene Antao, Lincia Carvalho, Aaron Vales, Smiroy Martins, Jena Basilia Monteiro, Saloni Santosh Painginkar, Ashble Vailankanni Fernandes, Andria Shania Cardozo and Jeanette Lucilia Monteiro E Soares.
Recognition of Commitment
Time contributed towards Goa Bird Atlas 2023-24 (top 10% contributors)
Jalmesh Karapurkar - 166.25 hours
Sagar Naik - 134.5 hours
Shubham Rane - 108.25 hours
Manjit Gawas - 84 hours
Kuldip Topo - 61.75 hours
Pronoy Baidya - 45.5 hours
Harshada Gauns - 40.5 hours
Jagannath Phadte - 30 hours
Suren Rane - 29.25 hours
Shayeesh Pirankar - 25.75 hours
Dipak Bowalkar - 25 hours
Filomena Pereira (Parvatibai Chowgule College Of Arts & Science - Autonomous) - 18 hours
Mandar Bhagat - 18 hours