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#NOSUP at Betim

Till when we are planning to generate single use plastic waste??? An end has to be put to this, and it is only possible when we sensitize more and more people.

Today at Vithoba Rakhumai Prasaan temple in Betim, There were plastic cups used for lunch organised by Temple committee. And simultaneously the waste was segregated on the another end.

However, lot of cups were fallen here and there due to irresponsible behaviour of some citizens.

We at Arannya, aslo with social media awareness believe in practical application of the moto on ground level. And thus we collected those fallen cups and segregated with a proper stacked way. In order to manage the space occupied by the number of cups.

But the sad part is that these cups used which go on count of 1000 to 3000 per temple, will unfortunately not be recycled. As it is type 5 plastic cups which are very expensive and difficult to recycle. And thus are sentenced to decorate the landifills or dumping grounds.

So there worked the weapon of Awareness, to make the committee memebers realise that if we cut down the use of these single use plastic cups, and motivate the worshippers to bring their personal steel glass to drink water, can help the Goan enviroment to rehabilitate and get free of dumped plastic.

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